Friday, February 28, 2014

Movie or Game Night Tonight with your 180 Youth Leaders!!!

 If you don't know where your age group is going or what time to be there and what to bring (if anything) check out the facebook page @ 180 Youth Group - New Jersey. Have a great night!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Youth Group Tonight!

Myth #3 - The Christian life is just a list of do's and don'ts.

That couldn't be farther from the truth! Come to youth group
tonight to learn what the Christian life is really all about!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

180's Got Talent!

Coming March 9th! 180's Got Talent!!!
- Make sure you sign up and take a video of your act and send it to Pastor Jake for approval. You can email it to him at or if you have another way to send it to him that's OK too!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


"Here's 2 reasons to come to youth group tonight."

It's super!


You get to see your friends and say "Wasaaaaaa!"

We're not trying to "Force" you to come.

We just want you to know that you're invited! Read the paragraph to the above right to see what youth group's all about, or check us out on Facebook at 180 Youth Group - New Jersey!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How will YOU get to SCHOOL today? Bus? Horse? Ski? Home School?

I'm sure most of you were wishing for another day off...unless it is cutting into your spring break!  How will you get to school today? Maybe you'll...

Ride the snow covered bus!
 Walk to school in the snow!

Drive to school! 

Ski to school!

Ride a horse to school!
(My mother-in-law used to do that!) 

Walk to school uphill, both ways in the snow!
(All of our great-grandparents did that!) 


Look at school today as another opportunity, given by God, to be a testimony for Jesus Christ!

Have a great day! We'll see you Wednesday night!

Friday, February 14, 2014

What!? Is that the ocean?! Lol! Yes, that's the ocean and yes that's snow! I knew I would see new things when I moved to New Jersey but this is something that just blows my mind! Yet, it's also awesome to see God's creation at work! Enjoy another snow day off from school and know that I'm praying for all of you that your faith will increase every day as you walk with Jesus! - Pastor Jake

Monday, February 10, 2014

Great Snow Camp Youth Service last night everyone! You all did a great job singing, playing music, and sharing testimonies! Way to go!
To see more pictures go to our youth group Facebook page. (180 Youth Group - New Jersey)